OnEdu Shop
OnEduShop is the online shop for cloud services and electronic learning materials from Mobie Oy. Visit us at
You can purchase electronic learning materials and reading licenses for e-books at the online shop. All electronic learning materials are available to you even if you do not have access to the OnEdu learning environment. All materials are accessible via any online browser. However, if you have access to your school’s OnEdu learning environment or Mobie Zine publishing environment, you can download learning materials for offline use and edit them freely to suit your own teaching methods and pedagogic approach.
OnEduShop also doubles as a distribution channel for everyone wishing to produce electronic learning materials. If you wish to create your own materials to sell on the public OnEdu marketplace, contact us for free access to the publishing platform for your learning materials. We charge a commission of 25% of pre-tax sales for products sold through our online shop.
At you will also find electronic learning materials for primary and secondary schools, gymnasiums and vocational schools. As a leading electronic learning materials publisher, all materials produced by e-Oppi Oy are also available in OnEdu format. You can find these materials at the online shop as well.
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