Open OnEdu
Open OnEdu is a distribution and production channel for free and open access learning materials, hosted by Mobie Oy. True to its name, Open OnEdu contains learning materials available to everyone. Anyone can publish learning materials at OnEdu free of charge on condition that the published materials are also available to download free of charge and that they can be edited freely.
The Open OnEdu cloud service includes a fully featured toolset for publishers of electronic learning materials they can use to create diverse electronic courses. The cloud service also has discussion groups for producers of learning materials they can use to exchange opinions and files in different formats during production.
In addition to the course books in HTML5 format (Mobie Zine), course books can be extended with level tests, interactive learning paths, exercises, tests as well as discussions and teamwork assignments. The free service includes all features of the underlying OnEdu learning environment, including all types of exercises, and also includes the option to assign homework to be returned to the teacher. The system can automatically evaluate and score exercises, excluding homework and essays which must be evaluated by the teacher manually. Extra points can be awarded automatically to students participating in online discussions for teamwork assignments.
Currently the following materials are available via Open OnEdu:
- Marika Toivola and Tiina Härkönen: A series of mathematics course books for the lower secondary level (10 books)
- Aarne Hagman: A series of biology publications for the gymnasium level (8 publications). The series is based on the mandatory and advanced biology courses at the upper secondary school level, and can be used as a companion with all of them.
- The Snellman Summer University: Elämyksiä kemiasta – Varhaisopetuksen ja esiopetuksen työvälineeksi (exercise book).
Are you interested in contributing open access learning materials? Contact us.